速報APP / 財經 / Bracket Order Calculator

Bracket Order Calculator





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本


Bracket Order Calculator(圖1)-速報App

Qst Trading calculator Deigned for stock market traders, you can calculate Quantity ,stop loss & target price just click a single button, this calculator based on your cash size , margin, your loss & your target.

example: if you buy a stock with Rs:10,000 and if your loss is RS: 1000 now your loss is 10% , and target is also as you want,

if stock price is 100 then your stop loss price is Rs:90. if your target 20% then your target price is 120.

trade intraday you have margin that means (Exposer) example: your cash is

Bracket Order Calculator(圖2)-速報App

10,000 and margin is 20x

now you have 10,000 X 20 = 200,000 (2 lac) ,

if stop loss is 10% and Target is 20% and stock price is 1000 then your result is

Quantity = 200 ( 200,000 / 1000),

Bracket Order Calculator(圖3)-速報App

Stop loss price is = 995 (10000*10%)/20),

Target price is = 1010 (10000*20%)/20).